Tonight Dr. Saroyan was referring to Bones (Temperance Brennan) when she said:
Where Dr. Brennan is concerned - All the conventional rules of the universe become obsolete.
I LOVE that quote. Sometimes I find myself following that same idea.
But tonight's episode was far more than a great quote - but I do think considering conventional rules was a bit of foreshadowing.
To make an hour show into a couple of sentence - the general plot was unsolved crime/body found it the archives, group decides to figure out details of the crime/death, several interns work together. They surmise that the body is a victim of something related to the 9-11 tragedy and he was a Veteran.
As they are working - one intern says to another (who just happens to be of middle eastern descent) Is this too difficult for you - because I can take over your part. The middle eastern intern says Why. The other guy Because you share the same religion as those men.....(meaning the ones who hijacked & bombed).
He responds:
This was not the work of religion it was arrogance, hypocrisy, it was hate. Those horrible men who hijacked those planes hijacked my religion that day too. They insulted my God. So, no, this isn't too difficult - it is a privilege to be able to serve this victim to show him the care and love that was so absent that day.
I know it is just a TV show - but oh my - what a great comment.
I think we get caught in rules.
I think we get caught in religion.
I think we forget that in the end all of that becomes obsolete.
What is the only thing that matters?
It does - LOVE is what makes the difference. And our challenge is to LOVE - all. No matter what the difference is and many times not to assume that it is too difficult for us all to be together.
Remember the Faithful Love song I have shared with you before? And I'll never be the same - because I've seen faithful love and Jesus is His name.
I so hope I am doing just that - I hope that I am not the same because I have seen that faithful love -
I do - almost enjoy - throwing out the "religion rules" ........... they can be obsolete - because in the end I hope we can both say....
The show concluded with a plea to help Veterans. Please click on the link - please call if you know of a Veteran who needs help.
Veterans Crisis Line
Our USCG Veteran - Brian - was here this past week - with his amazing wife Lauren and...... our Great nephew - Hayden!
Nephew two, Son one (holding Great Nephew one), Niece one, Son two, Nephew three
Always, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14.