Thursday, March 28, 2019

3 until ... 7 Days of Grace

I sure never had any idea where I would be (exactly)  3 weeks after this picture.

It is not the best picture of me - but it is accurate.  The smile - the shirt - the joy!!!
It was 3 weeks ago that the phone rang, I looked at my watch - saw where the number was from and answered the call.

Do you remember that I have a doctorate in education?  That is how I signed my name - Dr. Cheryl Cannon Groves on her card.  I wanted to do that for lots of reasons.  Every single word that I wrote on that card was thought out - planned - shared for specific purposes.  I wanted her to know that I am not some person coming to look for anything.

I am a person looking for her.

During the whole "finding your birth parents" journey - more than one person will ask you why are you doing that.  I have answered that question so many times.  But it is DJ who knows the answer best.  She has told me over and over these last 6 weeks or so - Cheryl - you just always wanted to know.

So why?

Just to know Her.  It has been a missing piece that I simply cannot explain.  I don't know if every adopted kid has this feeling - but I do and I suspect I will - until Day 3 becomes the Day.  (It is important to note that "why" has never been my end game - today "why" only matters if she needs to share - "why" does not matter to me.)

My Mother and My Daughter in Law

My daughter in law is just amazing.  She works 3 days a week with us - and yesterday she helped make a beautiful thing happen.

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them."

I lead a ladies bible study class on Wednesday nights at my church.  I have done this off and mostly on for years.  We have the best time - and some come and go, some come and stay, but there are a couple who just really - really "get" me.  One of those - gathered my family together and with my friends from class last night - they all prayed over me.  It was the most amazing experience.

My friend is on the floor saying the most beautiful prayer - Remember how we talked about that vulnerable part yesterday?  This kind of experience is often times vulnerable for me.  Usually I find that I completely lose it and cry and cry (and therefore - not really going to participate in that so much!)

Not last night.  It gave me the best calming feeling - ever.  Total Peace.  My friends are truly gathering in His name to call Him to be in our midst.  To call on Him.  To thank him for my Mother & Father for raising me in such a way that allows me to even embark on this journey.  

Cannon, Me, Kambrey, DJ, Kain
3 of the most precious grandkids and great grandkids of DJ.  My grandchildren bring so much joy to my life and to DJ's.  

I have 3 boys - she now has 3 children.  

That phone call just 3 weeks ago was the beginning of a life time.  I was prepared to never hear from her because let's be honest - this is a whole bunch to process for a person.  She never - just like me - never expected to be able to connect.   But it was important for me to find out some particular information.  I needed to know - does her family cheer for Alabama or Auburn?  Because while it is not a complete deal breaker - we might just have to work on not seeing each other in the fall.

I am almost kidding.  Remember - that Alabama/Auburn thing seems even greater than the Texas/Texas A&M thing.  So it is important.

All good - roll tide!  My new family even have direct connections to the University of Alabama - those connections to be shared in the midst of football season.  But how much fun to finally be able to tell my Texas friends that not only did Son One live in Alabama and learned to love the University.  But my family have always been Alabama fans - and I am too!

What a journey.  What fun.  What a vulnerable Grace.

7 Days of Grace
3 (maybe 2) days until I am in Tennessee
3 weeks ago
3 to Love

My dear friend Stacy - who organized the prayer circle.  What a joy to know her!!!

My shirt for today ...
 "She was powerful not because she wasn't scared but because she went on so strongly despite the fear. ~ Atticus" 

Always, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14.

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