Tuesday, April 3, 2018

I Think He Hates Me...

I know "hate" is a brutal word.  And as you read - you will quickly realize that I am not serious with my statement.  But I do wonder.

All along I have said that the current leadership promotes an atmosphere of "hate".  Somehow (and I know we can list the reasons of why - but this entry isn't about those reasons so I will not define that part here) - his position & his stance has prompted so many others to make a stand - take a stand - and be bolder than they have before in their expression of hate toward others.

I just feel like we are going backwards all the time.

And today I just have to roll my eyes.

Seriously - Amazon.  He is attacking Amazon.  Now this isn't new - I saw a news clip this morning from 2016 but honestly - I think he hates me.  He seems to attack everything I hold near and dear.  I thought about making a list - but that just spreads the hate.


I find that expression unusual "grace to praise you with our whole lives".  

Grace to Praise.

So - we ask for divine assistance to praise you with our whole lives.

We ask for divine assistance to glorify you with everything that we have.

Help us to adore you with all that we are.

Such a better focus for today - rather than the hate that surrounds us.

We don't have to choose the hate.  

Seems fitting that tomorrow is the 50th Anniversary of the loss of MLK, Jr.


Only love.

For those of us who honestly belief the rhetoric of hate is detrimental to our world - we must be willing to stand against that hate - and stand for love.

That is quite a challenge but it is one we must embrace.

Always, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14.

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