Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Becoming a Servant

This really began in the fall of 1985 however just as with much of life I certainly could not foresee today.

my grandma Cannon & my dad - many years before 1985...

My grandma Cannon got sick.  My mom tells me now that some thought it was a mini stroke but whatever the case the children were staying with her each day and night.  Since my dad lived 2 hours from her home the weekends were his assignment.  I do not remember how many weekends we went to her home but I do remember one.  I remember sleeping on the couch and my parents helping my grandmother.  I had just recently gotten engaged to Kerry and the engagement ring offered some visual comfort in this strange setting of caring for a grandmother. 

I grew up visiting the elderly.  In our small church in Perrin we went to the nursing home in Jacksboro many times – maybe even once a month.  We would sing, walk from room to room, and talk to the residents as if we knew them.  I do not remember knowing any of them personally – I just remember that visiting never bothered me.

One of my dad’s sisters went to live in a nursing home.  She had Alzheimer’s.  I loved visiting Aunt Mary when she lived next door to my grandmother – I loved visiting my Aunt Mary when she lived in the home.  That was the home my grandmother eventually lived in. 

My other grandmother lived in a nursing home for the entire time that I knew her.  That was in Madison, Nebraska and it was an amazing home.  Very clean, very friendly, very much responsible for taking care of our family members. 

That is not always the case.  Nursing homes aren’t always the best place – just sometimes they are the only place.  I am just not ready for my parents to live in a place that is not their home…..

As I have shared before my dad has dementia.  As with this illness we truly have no idea what the prognosis is from day to day.  I do know that having a spouse with dementia certainly presents wear and tear on the life that doesn’t have the illness. 

my parents just last year....

So in order to give both of my parents a quality of life that they truly deserve – we decided they needed more help in their home.  A help that could give my mom some relief – a help that understood the elderly – a help that they knew and would immediately feel comfortable with – a help that was ready to serve them – a help that could give back as they had been giving for 49 years to her – a help they love – a help that loves them. 

my dad, me, my mom - Father's Day 2013

We often say it takes a village to raise a child.  I believe it takes a village to grow old gracefully and with dignity. 

Now my career is Servant. 

Servant for 3 scheduled days a week for those people who gave me a family & home 49 years ago. 

Servant (with a huge learning curve) to the family that became mine when I married.  Do you have any idea how difficult it is to learn a new language?  Especially a language composed of PVC fittings, THHN, conduit, filters, American Standard, Rheem, sweep, 90, 45, accounts receivable, accounts payable, ESC, Quickbooks,  - and my list is so incredibly long!  I now have the joy of serving at my husband’s office 2 days a week. 

And I also can be a better Servant in my home.  Even though this new career has only been in place for 10 days – I already feel more at peace – more focused on Him – more focused on helping others. 

Of course one must have tools for this new career!  Just like the village will have diaper bags for the children – in this village I have a tote bag for DJ & Grandad’s.

His mercies.


Every morning.

Great IS his faithfulness.

Note:  Now that I have time that is better suited for writing – I plan to write for Grace4Greta and more on Prepare2Prosper.org.  My closet is FULL of books and I have many on being a servant…..  I think that is where Prepare2Prosper needs to begin …. Again!  Be sure to visit prepare2prosper.org

Always, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14.

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