Friday, November 22, 2019

Free Indeed

“I am chosen - not forsaken - I am who you say I am .... Who the Son sets free oh is free indeed”

A couple of weeks ago we had the amazing opportunity to witness 2 baptisms. And one of them left my son embracing his wife. It was one of my most favorite memories ever. 

I gave Daughter One a card that day. Here is my thought on baptism ... “Baptism is something you will always remember - it is one act in this God centered life that helps us think about & be reminded to pattern our lives after Jesus.”

We probably view baptism differently than each other. I am so completely okay with that. But sometimes we get so caught up in our own personal beliefs that we miss Hebrews 12:15.  

I believe that’s our biggest challenge. We are passionate & convicted of our beliefs but we cannot force or expect that for others.  In each of our lives we will hear and respond to God.  But in each response - it is a personal response. I am a child of God because God says I am. 

I’m a child of God because The Divine says I am. 

There’s not a rule book - not a requirement list - not a certain church - certain belief. You may believe that those things are important & necessary. I Love being around you - I love listening to your convictions - I love knowing the story of your life. But I want you to value the same in me. Don’t just love me because you think I agree with you. Love me for whatever I believe as I am doing for you. And yes I know - it’s not easy and both of us will be wrong at times. 

“You’re a child of God - you were chosen not forsaken God is for you not against you”

The lyrics of the song are based on John 8:36. Have you read John 8 lately? Oh my heavens - I feel like I’m reading a back & forth discussion that gets no where. For me I am not questioning Jesus at all - I really am free. 

But that’s the way this life is - messy and back & forth. But Love wins. We know that. I hope for the times when that knowledge of Love & who we are reminds us how to live this God centered life. In the end - we must be sure that no one misses out on grace. 

My friend Neal said to me today “We’re pretty serious about the love stuff” - we all should be - we can all LOVE BETTER. 

Yes we can.

Story behind "Who You Say I Am"

Who You Say I Am Lyrics & Song

Photo One Cred:  Me!  Taken near the Hiwassee River near the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee - the home of my soul.

Always, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Seeing The Divine Everywhere ...

If I am honest - which let me be honest and say that it just kills me to have to be honest with myself!  But if I am honest - the old me would roll my eyes and probably find something to say about someone referring to "God" as "The Divine".

Because as I am sure many of my readers know - God is exactly and only the way we protestants - new testament Christians - once saved - gotta be water baptized - etc... people believe.


Another thing - I would seriously scold myself for changing my mind and questioning.  I am guessing my rationale is that with God - Jesus - and the Bible I was taught to listen to preachers, do some studying on my own - however it must match what I was hearing in the church I attended (and there were certain ones that were "approved") - but never in the world would I question those teachings.  And if I happened to run into someone - or meet someone who didn't view things pretty close to the way I did - well I could certainly love them - be friends with them - but let's not talk about God and religion.

Quite honestly (again) - it would break my heart - in all sincerity to realize that since you did not believe the way I believed that you may not be in the same place for eternity that I am headed.

All of that belief system has been around for a long time - I will turn 55 at the end of the month.  While my parents really did not subscribe to beating those values into my head - I did attend churches, youth camps, and hang out with people who did.  I did not have an answer to the questions of how others believed.  I honestly chose not to think about it very much.

Until ...

We traveled to the hill country of Texas recently - and that cute Granddaughter One came with us.  I am purposefully using phrases with her about God that I think could help her along the way.  My parents lived a life like that - but I don't remember my dad using the phrases.  The phrase that is heavy on my heart right now - is seeing The Divine - or seeing God in everything

That phrase is Richard Rohr's fault.  And if you haven't read or listened to his work - well you are just missing out.  Father Richard is quite amazing at challenging one's mind.  Challenging - one's heart too.  Note:  who are the people you are listening to - listening to?  That is how you can learn about others - figure out who they read - figure out the 'voices in their head' ....

We looked out across and we talked about that this area is "our church" - and then let's think about all of the rocks & trees being the people in our church - look how many are there!  I told her about being a little girl in Perrin Texas - going with my dad (her great granddad) to the pasture and standing on top of the pick up and singing to the pigs.  

Yes - as a young girl - I stood on top of the pick up and sang to the pigs.  I did not know at the time just how much God was in that action - now I see.

Do we see God in everything?  Try it.  It will change your world.

One of the obligatory trips while at the cabin is to go to Walmart in Brady Texas.  It is close to us and we usually forget something or want something else.  I don't even remember what the real purpose for going this weekend was - but this is what happened.  

As we were walking in - 2 men were in front of us.  One of them was smoking a cigarette and he literally threw it at the trash can by the front door.  I paused so that we did not have to consume the cigarette smoke.  But yes - flung the butt on the ground by the door.  Honestly I was appalled.  Part of that righteous indignation that comes rather naturally to me.  I did not mention it to K5 - no need in her continuing her Mimi's indignations.  But in spite of the fact that it was opening weekend in the Hill Country of Texas and there were hundreds of people in the walmart - who did I see over and over?

Yep - flung the cigarette butt man.  Every isle we went down.

As were were leaving I noticed and snapped a picture (snapped a picture - that phrase reinforces the turning 55 this month .... ) of the trash can by the front door with the cigarette butts on the ground.  My mind went immediately to the blog I was going to write ...

People just throw away God.  
God's creation is just trashed.
People just don't care.

While those statements are correct - and I can write about each one of those based on the picture and those events - I can also go a completely different direction.  A direction away from "righteous indignation".  

A direction to seeing God in everything.  

When did evangelical protestants and perhaps other modern day Christians (including my Catholic friends) - when did we all decide that being righteous was the thing for us to do?   Why  did those 3 blog starters resonate first with me?  Maybe for you it isn't that way - but it certainly is for me and it is a behavior that I am on a mission to change for myself.

So let's try this ...

See God in everything.

The Divine is in the trees, the rocks, the sky, the river, the cigarette butt, the trash can, the man walking in the store, that same man walking down the isles that we walked down - God is in everything.  

When I see God in everything - it alters my vision.  My vision changes - my view of God becomes a view of love - grace - understanding - 

This seeing God in everything - noticing The Divine in each moment - each part of my life is certainly creating a worldview that is so much more.  

When I see the cigarette butt throwing man as a part of seeing God everywhere - it changes my thought process on him - on his actions - absolutely everything about him and that moment changes - for the better.

The Divine is in all people - and in all things.
God's creation - is just that God's creation.
It doesn't matter if 'people' care - it matters if I care.

More images of God in everything from The Hill Country of Texas.

Always, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Construction Phase .....

Thank you for being God's Love.  Thank you for saying with each prayer - "Father thank you for loving us."  You taught me love in so many ways.  But you also taught me who God is.  Knowing that God is Love has proved my literal saving grace forever.  There are so many conversations I want to have with you today about God.  I think I need to hear your opinion.  But if I am honest- I already have - God's Love meant everything to you.  And it is how you treated others - you lived God's Love in all that you did. 

Sometimes we look and we cannot see things the way we might should.

The typical view that I would choose is the picture above.  This is out my front door - the one I go in and out all the time.  I think it is a beautiful picture.  I love the colors - the definitions - just really think it is pretty.

Same skyline - from a different vantage point - this time my side yard.  Typically Kerry feeds our dogs - today I did.  Or  maybe typically when I feed the dogs because I do that (not as much as him) I don't take time to look toward the western sky.  

And this close up view nearly took my breath away.

Same skyline - same home - same.

But yet not at all the same.

There is a God story in these pictures for me.  In the popular religious circles of today there is a word that is being used.  I think it has been around for about 5 - maybe 10 years.  This word of "reconstruction".  The time in life when one looks at what they believe - how they believe and decide to do something different with the knowledge.  

Look at the last bullet point ... an impression, model, or re-enactment of a past event formed from the available evidence.

That is where I am.  And while that definition is so incredibly vague to me - I think I can explain.  I am not sure that this is where others on this journey are - or if they would even agree with my interpretation of the reconstruction definition - but for me this is where I am .... today.

I am finding that while some things seem new - they are in fact really not.  I mentioned to Kerry last night that it almost aggravates me at times because I wonder why it has taken until 54 to figure some of this out.  He reminded me that I have learned a whole bunch of stuff about other areas of life as time has gone - why would this God journey be any different.

He is right.  I have always had somewhat of an impression that I should understand all the God stuff just perfectly - like right now.  That what I knew growing up should be what I know.  If it is God and I have to know God for all the things of life and the after life to fall into place- then surely I understand the God part in its entirety or at least enough to get where I surely want to go.

Good heavens.  Seriously - such a naive approach to life.  

Of course God is not something for me to completely understand and figure out completely today - or yesterday and probably not tomorrow either.  But I can go back to my original viewpoint and see.  I can look to the same spot from a slightly different vantage point - but yet still be in truth and see new.

I was still in my home.  I was still Cheryl looking at the western skyline.  The foundation was the same - I just took a different vantage point.  But the western skyline was still the western skyline.

This is what is happening to me right now.  

My foundation was formed a long time ago.  I suspect it was formed as she carried me from Florida to Tennessee back to Texas before I was born.  Then they carried me throughout Texas and raised me almost exactly how she would have raised me.  I have learned about the birth family and to use an expression of old - they are a "God fearing" family.  The messages I have received about my grandparents - the stories that are told all show their foundation in God's Love.  Her life is also an example of God's Love.  She is still today a living breathing evidence of God's Love.  

The same is true for the couple who raised me - my parents.  Everyday of my life I knew of God's Love.  I felt love - I lived in love.

And so Love is taking me on this journey to examine what I believe to be true about God.  Jesus is guiding the path - I am looking at what I know to be true - the foundation - but I am also looking to God from all kinds of vantage points.  The foundation has not changed.  The views to see him are multiplying. 

That was the message in 1989 - the other side is below and hangs on my kitchen wall today ...

Continue reading I John 4 - it is a wonderful chapter about God's Love.

"Dear friends, if God loved us this way, we ought to love each other.  No one has ever seen God.  If we love each other, God remains in us and his love is made perfect in us." 4:11-12, CEB.

Growing up in that wonderful church in Perrin - we used to sing a song ....

There is no fear in love - but a perfect love casteth out all fear.
For fear hath torment and he that feareth is not made perfect in love.
We love him because he first loved us and I will not be silent.
I will praise his name forever - for my God is Love.  

God is Love.

Always, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Damascus Grace

I heard this question today on a podcast ....

Where have you had a Damascus moment this week where Christ showed up either personally or cosmically in a surprising way?
That question was asked by Paul on the "Another Name for Everything" with Richard Rohr.  Paul & Brie ask questions and share thoughts too.  It is quite entertaining - and each weekly episode makes my brain hurt and my heart smile.

But this question ...

I think it is extremely good for us - extremely important to think about our Damascus moments.  To think of the times that our attention was grabbed by the Divine announcing to us - Hey - Look - Watch - Be a part of - all this Christ Love and Glory.

We have been to Tennessee.  We had a Damascus moment the entire time!  It was seeing Christ show up so very personally - so many ways.

The first surprise ....

Beautiful flowers waiting for me at the hotel from my brother & nephew.  What a wonderful surprise - a gesture that welcomed me from the first moment.

Nephew Dylan, Height challenged me, and Brother David

From the very moment that I received the DNA results - I knew that my family settled in the Tennessee mountain area.  The research of the ancestors revealed cemeteries in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains as their final resting spot.  Visiting those cemeteries was the first memory on my to do list.

And - just in case you are wondering - it is pronounced "Ornsburg" 
Then the place where so many are resting ....

My great grandparents - Will & Creta 

Along the way we met family - we saw places - and we walked on the grounds.  We were a part of that earth that has held my family since the 1700s.  A family that I just recently found - a family that has impacted my life since I was born even though I did not know them until now.

And that wonder that I have had since too young to remember - that wonder of do I look like anyone??

The greatest Damascus moment of this journey was meeting her.

More to come ... and a book too.

Inhabiting Grace
I have been to Tennessee
A girl & A mom

Always, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

0 until ..... 7 Days of Grace

7 Days of Grace
Today I’m in Tennessee

Flight delayed. But that’s okay. I’ve waited a lifetime & a few minutes won’t change the wonderful experience this is.

Lets go back to Esther - please read her story or find an audio.

After Mordecai tells Esther that this is probably her time to make a difference. Esther then sends word to him & lays out the plan. She says “even though it’s against the law - I will go to the king.”

Even though the file is sealed. I’ll have it opened.

Even though ...

Part of this journey is realizing my worth. Before my evangelical friends worry about me - I get it. I’m a child of God. I am a beautiful wonderful child of God. But sometimes that seems a bit hard to touch. So for me I identified as their daughter - his wife - their mom - their Mimi. I was a teacher - a principal etc ...

Why do I need to be anything else?

Right after we solved the mystery - I said “what am I thinking - why do I need / want / have any place to identity as a Witt.”  It hurt. Really hurt. I felt unworthy. And it had nothing to do with the actions of my birth mother. It was me. Somewhere in the depths of this soul - I just didn’t know how to feel and what to do with those feelings.

Richard Rohr said:
Sooner or later, if you are on any classic “spiritual schedule,” some event, person, death, idea, or relationship will enter your life with which you simply cannot cope using your present skill set, acquired knowledge, or willpower. Spiritually speaking, you will be led to the edge of your own private resources. At that point, you will stumble over a necessary “stumbling stone” (see Isaiah 8:14). You must “lose” at something, and then you begin to develop the art of losing. This is the only way that Life/Fate/God/Grace/Mystery can get you to change, let go of your egocentric preoccupations, and go on the further and larger journey.
There it is - I didn’t have the skill set but I had been working on strengthening this heart of mine to open completely and just love.

Something in you dies when you bear the unbearable. And it is only in that dark night of the soul that you are prepared to see as God sees and to love as God loves. —Ram Das 

What a grand adventure I am on. Oh and that Witt family? From the moment that the first one found me - there has been a constant stream of Love - Joy - Welcoming. Each one. Each time. 

Do they - does this new family of mine - realize how much they are loved? Do they know how much Love I have to give? 

They do. They know. She knows. 

She knows. 

I found her. And today - I have found me.

Always, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

1 until .... 7 Days of Grace

I read all the time.  Literally.  I have at least one book that is a hard copy book and then I have at least one I am listening to in the car.  Most all of my books at this point in my life have to do with God - Jesus - and mostly about getting away from "religion" and finding God.

How in the world have I missed The Alchemist?

Needless to say - I am getting a copy of the book.

Tomorrow I will see her.

Seriously - I have waited a lifetime.
I can remember looking through a "picture book" when I was taking piano lessons - studying all the "famous" people and figuring out which one could be my birth mother.  - Raquel Welch.  That was my guess.  
Around age 15 - because I can remember which house I lived in - I found my birth certificate.  I carefully opened it - thinking that I would find names.  Adopted kids in 1964 - have their adopted parents names.  
Kerry tells me that I always thought Dolly Parton could be my mother.  Until a certain surgery in 2002 (I think) - we had physical features quite the same.  Rather ironic that my birth family are from Tennessee ...
There is also Barbra Streisand - If you cover my face to only see my eyes - they are pretty much the same as hers. 
Every single birthday.  Since I can remember I have thought about her on my birthday.  You have heard me lament about my birth - day before.  I won't carry on here - but I found comfort and sadness in knowing that there really was one other person who cared about that day.
When Son One was born I struggled.  Just for a short period of time (really short - who has time to worry about self when you have a newborn?)  That struggle did not last.  I am glad I had it - because at least I feel like I looked at the reality of being adopted and what that meant.  
2006 - I requested the protected adoption file.  I was glad to have some information and as it turned out - that information proved to be exceptionally valuable this year.  But back in 2006 - I was sad all over again.  I loved finding my crib name - Greta.  But the bold  statement of Your record does not include any updated contact by a birthparent was almost devastating.  I felt like she just did not want anything to do with me. (It wasn't that black and white - but I did not know that at the time.)
2006 - 2018 birthdays - primarily- that is when I would think of her the most.  At some point I started writing things on social media - thinking maybe she would be searching and find me.  
In December of 2018 - my cousins - who are both adopted told me about securing a court order to get my original birth certificate.  I started contemplating if that was a good idea. Later that month - my nephew suggested AncestryDNA and told me I would certainly have some connections with some people.  
You know the rest.

The best part of the journey?  I am so thankful that I did not go the route of birth certificate - first.  I have really enjoyed the ancestral route.  I still feel the same excitement knowing that one of my ancestors fought in the American Revolutionary War - knowing I can trace all their names - their children - their birth years and their deaths.  That I can walk on that same ground in the mountains of Tennessee.  A place I have never been - but yet - it is a place that I have been.

Barbra Streisand's recording of "On Holy Ground" is breathtaking.  I have had that CD for 20 years.

Kerry has always been a nature person.  Me - not so much.  But when I started realizing that my ancestral roots can be traced to specific locations in the Tennessee mountains - all I have wanted to do is stand on that ground - literally - stand.  I may even take my shoes off.

Thank you so much for joining me this week.  It has been my joy to write and my joy to hear from you.  I so LOVE people.  Knowing people is literally my hobby in life (oh and reading too!).   

And oh how I love you.  Each and every single one of you.  If I can ever support you in an endeavor - just ask.  You can find me here - find me on Facebook - find me on Instagram.  And should you ever show up on Possum Kingdom Lake - you can find me there too.  

These 3 make all the difference for this Mimi - her great grandchildren.  This was taken at Christmas - that baby is so much bigger now!!!  And that Pop of theirs is the best friend anyone could ever have. 

But for this one ....  this has been her journey.

7 Days of Grace
1 day until I am in Tennessee
1 little girl
1 to Love


Always, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14.

Friday, March 29, 2019

2 until .... 7 Days of Grace

Do you know yourself?

I mean truly know yourself?

Perhaps I am getting closer.  I do know that for most of my life - certainly from the age of about 5 until about 40 - I thought I did but I let so many outside things influence my life.  Some for the good but so many helped me deny myself.

It truly is 2 days until I see my birth mother.  That all changed yesterday and it is just fine.  Back to the original plan - arrive Sunday - go to Lynchburg - then to Chattanooga.

Two women who have been a part of these 54 years.  Two women who live in different worlds with this one connecting person.  Two women - one I know quite well and the other not so much.  One sewed clothes for me, cooked meals, ran me to sporting events, taught me how to sew, taught me how to cook, provided a way for piano lessons - and you know this list could go on and on.  My mother (DJ) has been and continues to be a monumental force in my life.

Perhaps most importantly is what she and my dad did every single day, every single moment - they taught, showed, gave and experienced Love.

One of my favorite pictures of me & my parents.  This was taken several years ago - but I just love it.  I am sure I don't look any older!!!

I hope she has pictures with her parents.  I hope I see every picture that was ever taken of her when she was growing up - when she was living that life apart from me.  I just cannot wait to see her.

Seeing her does not take away for one moment - anything those 2 did for me.

It comes full circle.

It began in 1933.  That was the year he was born.  And he shouldn't have lived.  He had a surgery every year of his life until he was in his 20s.  He had so many medical issues.  However - most everyone had no idea.  At his memorial service - in the town he lived for 40+ years - the person who spoke said "I had no idea".  My dad kept his health as a private issue.  My dad knew all of his life that he would not be able to have children.

They meet - they marry - they decide to adopt.  His parents weren't so keen on the idea.  I know my grandparents were clueless about adoption but early on they said some hurtful things about that baby. I do believe though that they soon realized that as much as you want to think that baby isn't a part of your family - she is in fact - your family.

In the meantime - there is a birth mother that is making what assuredly was the most difficult decision of her life.  But that decision - allowed that man & woman to have a baby.

Now it is that man & woman who nurtured a baby into this woman who can find that mother.

Full circle.  She loved. They loved. She loved. 

Birth mother loved and she gave.  Adopted parents loved & loved.  Because of love I could go on the journey to find her.

Love matters.  It really does.  So many of our life journeys require love.  Heavens - all of life requires Love.  But true love creates vulnerability.  And that is where most of us lose ground.

There are 2 men in my life that have really helped to encourage this Love of self journey.  Last summer I went to help a friend at his vineyard.  I went 6+ hours from home - alone.  It was one of the craziest things I have ever done by myself. And it was one of the very best.  I came home with a whole new level of courage that I had not had before.  The next was a person I met on a plane.  On that plane ride I had to share stuff that I was thinking.  I had never shared those things before - and when I did - we both ended up in tears.  Again - being vulnerable.  Being open to others - for others - with others.  Those 2 are forever dear friends - they helped me find myself again.

They helped me define Love to myself - once more - this time with confidence and assurance.

While all of my life has led me to this point - the journey had some very specific steps over the last year or so.  Next week when life might slow down just a little - I will share those steps.  I believe that learning about Love on a level never found before is the key to whatever is needed.  Richard Rohr's work has certainly helped me a great deal.  He is worth reading and finding.  And if you are like me you will stay confused most of the time because his language is unreal - but oh so good for the soul.

2 women - oh how thankful I am that they are both on earth today for me to Love in person.

I found her.  I really did.  I found my birth mother.  My mother (DJ) is so happy for all 3 of us!!!

7 Days of Grace
2 days until I am in Tennessee
2 women of Love
2 to Love

Always, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

3 until ... 7 Days of Grace

I sure never had any idea where I would be (exactly)  3 weeks after this picture.

It is not the best picture of me - but it is accurate.  The smile - the shirt - the joy!!!
It was 3 weeks ago that the phone rang, I looked at my watch - saw where the number was from and answered the call.

Do you remember that I have a doctorate in education?  That is how I signed my name - Dr. Cheryl Cannon Groves on her card.  I wanted to do that for lots of reasons.  Every single word that I wrote on that card was thought out - planned - shared for specific purposes.  I wanted her to know that I am not some person coming to look for anything.

I am a person looking for her.

During the whole "finding your birth parents" journey - more than one person will ask you why are you doing that.  I have answered that question so many times.  But it is DJ who knows the answer best.  She has told me over and over these last 6 weeks or so - Cheryl - you just always wanted to know.

So why?

Just to know Her.  It has been a missing piece that I simply cannot explain.  I don't know if every adopted kid has this feeling - but I do and I suspect I will - until Day 3 becomes the Day.  (It is important to note that "why" has never been my end game - today "why" only matters if she needs to share - "why" does not matter to me.)

My Mother and My Daughter in Law

My daughter in law is just amazing.  She works 3 days a week with us - and yesterday she helped make a beautiful thing happen.

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them."

I lead a ladies bible study class on Wednesday nights at my church.  I have done this off and mostly on for years.  We have the best time - and some come and go, some come and stay, but there are a couple who just really - really "get" me.  One of those - gathered my family together and with my friends from class last night - they all prayed over me.  It was the most amazing experience.

My friend is on the floor saying the most beautiful prayer - Remember how we talked about that vulnerable part yesterday?  This kind of experience is often times vulnerable for me.  Usually I find that I completely lose it and cry and cry (and therefore - not really going to participate in that so much!)

Not last night.  It gave me the best calming feeling - ever.  Total Peace.  My friends are truly gathering in His name to call Him to be in our midst.  To call on Him.  To thank him for my Mother & Father for raising me in such a way that allows me to even embark on this journey.  

Cannon, Me, Kambrey, DJ, Kain
3 of the most precious grandkids and great grandkids of DJ.  My grandchildren bring so much joy to my life and to DJ's.  

I have 3 boys - she now has 3 children.  

That phone call just 3 weeks ago was the beginning of a life time.  I was prepared to never hear from her because let's be honest - this is a whole bunch to process for a person.  She never - just like me - never expected to be able to connect.   But it was important for me to find out some particular information.  I needed to know - does her family cheer for Alabama or Auburn?  Because while it is not a complete deal breaker - we might just have to work on not seeing each other in the fall.

I am almost kidding.  Remember - that Alabama/Auburn thing seems even greater than the Texas/Texas A&M thing.  So it is important.

All good - roll tide!  My new family even have direct connections to the University of Alabama - those connections to be shared in the midst of football season.  But how much fun to finally be able to tell my Texas friends that not only did Son One live in Alabama and learned to love the University.  But my family have always been Alabama fans - and I am too!

What a journey.  What fun.  What a vulnerable Grace.

7 Days of Grace
3 (maybe 2) days until I am in Tennessee
3 weeks ago
3 to Love

My dear friend Stacy - who organized the prayer circle.  What a joy to know her!!!

My shirt for today ...
 "She was powerful not because she wasn't scared but because she went on so strongly despite the fear. ~ Atticus" 

Always, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14.